Joining the Voyage Privé group means becoming part of a collective project where we work to strengthen our local roots in the service of the development of our territory.

In 2021, we made our commitments concrete by becoming a company with a mission. Our raison d’être is written in our statutes since June 2021:


Ensemble, provoquer les possibles


Nous croyons :

En la force du collectif comme moteur de changements

Au potentiel de chacun à développer le meilleur de lui-même et à impacter positivement

A la possibilité de changer de trajectoire, de sortir des déterminismes sociaux et économiques

En notre capacité à entreprendre, rassembler, fédérer pour construire un monde plus juste, plus équitable, plus responsable

Nous oeuvrons à :

Servir de tremplins, de terres d’opportunités à tous les projets et personnes mobilisant talents et énergie en vue d’un changement

Rendre accessibles de nouvelles réalités professionnelles, sportives, géographiques

Rendre plus responsables nos écosystèmes

Renforcer notre ancrage local au service du développement du territoire

Each week, our employees have one hour to engage in one of our Vision projects, all of which are housed in our headquarters, the Campus.


Provence Rugby

We are the majority shareholder of Provence Rugby. The most important rugby club in our territory that now plays in the 2nd division of French professional rugby (ProD2).

Provence Rugby
Provence Rugby
l'école des XV Association

L'École des XV association

The Ecole des XV was created in 2014 by the Groupe Voyage Privé in order to fight against school dropout, with the conviction that the earlier we start, the better the chances of preventing young people from facing insurmountable difficulties

The Ecole des XV offers a comprehensive extracurricular program for young people from college from disadvantaged neighborhoods who have made the effort to make an individual commitment to learning and developing themselves, to help them build themselves up by alleviating their academic and social difficulties, in order to improve their learning abilities and obtain their certificate.

The program offered to the children is divided into three main periods:

A social time of conviviality and exchanges with the children in a serene and stable setting to help them manage their emotions and life in a community.

A school time through homework help and school support, to review the lesson of the day, correct or prepare for a test, review the basics in French or mathematics, work in a calm environment, dare to ask for help, learn to better organize themselves, and return home having made progress on their homework.

A sports time, in particular through rugby, to learn to pay attention to instructions, to stay focused, to make efforts for his friends, boys or girls, to play, to run.

VP Green

In order to respond to the environmental issues that have become paramount in our society and more particularly in the tourism sector, Voyage Privé is committed to an approach of social and environmental responsibility through the VP Green project. Considered as a guarantee of progress in terms of sustainability and eco-responsibility in our premises, the project’s commitments are formalized by numerous actions: installation of waste sorting, car pooling incentives, waste collection on our territory …

  • Encourage and educate employees about environmental issues


  • Organize the consultation of the members of the project, for decision making and the commitment of the different steps


  • Reflect as a team on different good practices to be applied on a daily basis and division of labor


  • Help reduce your ecological footprint in the workplace and outside

The Tremplins de l'Innovation E-tourism

The Tremplins

For the past 2013 years, Voyage Privé has been supporting startups to help them accelerate their development. Each selected startup joins our teams in our offices in Aix-en-Provence or can benefit from remote support. Based on their current needs and issues, we will develop a support plan together. They will then meet with our business experts and will also benefit from strategic coaching.

Beforehand, the needs are defined with the organizing team in order to make the workshops as targeted and operational as possible.

Beyond the business interest, the richness of this event also resides in the meeting and the exchange, a human dimension which is particularly important to us in this project.

With this in mind, the teams selected for the Tremplins are accommodated during the speed meetings and for the kick-off at “La Campagne”, a superb residence fitted out as a bed and breakfast located a stone’s throw from the Voyage Privé offices.

The weekend following the week is reserved for time between startups to share their experience. This time also allows them to take a step back and prioritize their next actions.

Chez Pierre

Soon in Aix, a different restaurant for the employment of extraordinary people

The objective of this vision project is to open a restaurant in the city center and to employ people with mental or cognitive disabilities. In the café-restaurant Chez Pierre, they will be able to integrate professionally, to have a real job in the heart of our city.

Chez Pierre will be a place where people will enjoy meeting, a place where our Pierres Précieuses will cook dishes made with fresh and local products.